Have You Caught A Communicable S.T.E.?
The month of June is now dead and gone. May she rest in peace. And it is definitely time to see if you have caught an S.T.E.
By Steve Foss
And of course I am talking about a “Success Timetable Evaluation”. This is where we break out the goals we set for ourselves to accomplish in the year 2006. Remember doing that in January? Let me ask you how you are doing? It is now exactly halfway through the year. How are you trending?
If you set a monetary goal for what you want to earn this year, take that number and divide it by two. Now go pull up your accounting software. Which number is higher? Are you ahead of schedule? Excellent! Smash your goals and don’t let up. Is your income goal figure higher than your actual earnings? Bad News! That means that you are trending at a level that is less than your earnings goal. If you don’t change something now, you will fall short of your financial aspirations. Absolutely, positively do not let that happen! Here’s what you should do:
1. Know that it is halftime and you are behind in the game. That is actually OK. Many teams go into half time behind and still win big. You are going to have to make some changes in your game plan in order to come out victorious. Nothing changes until something changes; and that “something” is you!
2. Take the amount left to earn for the year and divide that by six. That figure is now your new monthly goal. If you have to break that figure down to a weekly or daily goal, do it. Do whatever is necessary. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And when a runner is behind, he needs to pour it on. It is called a “kick” in a foot race. It is time to start your kick.
3. Do this same formula for ALL the areas of your life. How are you doing on your physical goals? Have you lost the weight you wanted to lose? Where do you stand on your social, spiritual, or intellectual goals? Have you read the books you planned on reading? Have you accomplished half of the “big rocks” you put down on paper? Have you done some of the fun stuff you planned to do like travel, or do something crazy? What are you waiting for?
Has the spirit of procrastination crept in? Are you lying to yourself that you will eventually get around to it? You and I both know that the end of the year is very hectic with all the holidays. If you aren’t hammering away at your goals now, you never will. Be honest with yourself. Putting off the paper until the day before it was due might have worked for you in college. But that is a habit that needs to be broken. I don't think you will find any highly successful person who does that. They're just not that talented.
Step back and take a good look around you. Evaluate your life. Monitor your progress. And then attack the rest of the year with ferociousness. Be more productive than you ever have. You can do it! We believe in you! Be enthusiastic and determined. And finish the year strong.
Let’s make 2006 our best year ever! It’s not too late!