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Startup Essentials is committed to providing entrepreneurs with the encouragement, education, technology, and solutions to be successful in starting their business

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happy Campers Come Back For S'mores!

Finally you can light the fires of success without worrying about the mosquitoes. Gather around because it's time to set up camp.

Startup Essentials is now offering a fantastic new tool called "Camp Journey". It is a companion to their step-by-step system for building a business and is a free conference call that helps get you started in the process.

Part orientation, part instruction and part motivation, Startup Essentials is offering the free call at four different times to try to accomodate any schedule (including one on Saturday!).

For more information, login to the Startup Essentials web portal and click on Start My Journey!

Denis Waitley said that "Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating."

Your own personal Mount Everest is waiting for you, and we have the guides to help you reach the top. Start the journey.....


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