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Startup Essentials is committed to providing entrepreneurs with the encouragement, education, technology, and solutions to be successful in starting their business

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

There's A New Star In The Sky!

After much anticipation, the long awaited Web Portal is off the ground and heading for success.

This might be the greatest "all in one" business site in the known universe. It contains everything...And I mean EVERYTHING an entrepreneur needs to find the freedom of small business success. No more searching the skies for a needed resource. You are only one click away. Here is the press release we beamed to the press on that historic day:

Startup Essentials Announces the Launch of a New Web Portal

DALLAS, Texas - February 14, 2006

Startup Essentials, one of the top providers of entrepreneurial training and business solutions, announced today the scheduled launch of a new web portal. Their “Achievement Portal” promises customers a “one-stop” home page on the web for everything related to starting and building a business.

The goal of the portal, according to Steve Mayes of Startup Essentials, is to make it easier for a business owner to focus their time and energy on the core of building their business rather than on which website they need to log into next.

“Our customers will now be able to access training and educational materials, motivational and personal development streaming video, business resources, marketing forums and even their web builder all from one spot on the web. This will be a huge advantage and will let them concentrate solely on growing a successful business and becoming a successful person.” stated Mayes.

Mayes said the launch date of the new "Achievement Portal" is March 10th.

Startup Essentials is on the web at http://www.startupessentials.com/.


Knowing your destination is half the journey.

"Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars." Casey Kasem


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