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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It's not religious, it's about BUSINESS SUCCESS!

What do you think of when you see the saying "Repent Sinner"?
By Steve Foss

Whenever someone sees a sign that contains the phrase "Repent Sinner, they usually muster up visions of a religious person trying to get the general population to get their act together and start living a holy and pure life. But that is not the case here. Believe it or not, it is actually one of the best business success sayings around. If we take a good look at the origins of that saying, we will see that it is one of the greatest personal development precepts you can hear.

A friend called me at 6:30 AM this morning and asked me a question about a scripture in the Bible where the word "repent" was used. He had certain questions about the word, so I looked it up. Since the New Testament was written in the Greek language, the word translated into English as "repent" actually means "to change the way we feel about something". The word for sin simply means "to miss the mark". Picture in your mind shooting an arrow at a target. In the middle is a red dot, and there are rings which grow outward from the center. The goal is to hit the center of the target, not be off the mark. So I guess that the expression "repent sinner" could actually mean "Hey person who is missing the mark, change the way you feel about it". Change your attitude about somehow coming up short of the goal or prize. Quit allowing yourself to be substandard. Stop thinking it is OK to be a loser.

How strong is that saying in business?

When we finally get tired of missing the goals we have set, and decide to change our attitudes toward failure, we are now ready to do whatever it takes to succeed. I heard that an addict will not get his life together until he hits what is called "rock bottom". It means that when a person gets so sick and tired of not fulfilling their potential, they might finally start doing the things that lead to change. And when we get so dissatisfied with mediocrity, and so discontented with the direction we are heading with our lives, we will make the necessary changes to start building momentum towards achievement. We will change our direction, or repent.

So let me ask you some questions about your business. Are you making progress as rapidly as you had planned? Are you continually ending the month behind schedule? Are you feeling like a loser in some area of your life? Are you broke, or depressed, or feeling trapped? Do other people rob you of your strength and happiness? THAT IS MISSING THE MARK! Stop it. Decide today to change the way you feel about it. Make the quality decision to start accomplishing, and end the reign of mediocrity that may have infected your life.

You will start winning when you finally get sick and tired of losing. Repent Sinner! The joy of accomplishment is yours for the taking. Go get it! You Deserve it!


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