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Startup Essentials is committed to providing entrepreneurs with the encouragement, education, technology, and solutions to be successful in starting their business

Monday, February 26, 2007

A Success Lesson From 1939

What could the classic movie “The Wizard of Oz” and small business ownership in America possibly have in common? You might be thinking, “Well, they do both head down a yellow brick road”. Or maybe after your business got up and running you said under your breath “I don’t think I’m in Kansas anymore”. But in my opinion, it all comes down to one thing. Watch the clip below because they said it far better than I ever could.

More people would break the chains of job bondage and experience the financial freedom of being self employed if they could only muster up the courage to venture out. Everyone I know wants to have their own business. Few I know have the courage to make that dream a reality. And that is why we applaud you. It takes courage and guts.

If you are reading this, you have made the amazing decision to go into business. Nobody ever promised you that it would be easy. In fact, just the opposite is true. But you know that most things in this world that are true, lasting, and financially rewarding require bravery and risk.

Have you ever thought that if fear were never present, there would never be an opportunity for you to show courage? It’s alright to be afraid. It’s not alright to let fear paralyze you and keep you motionless in advancing towards your goals.

Have you ever considered that smooth seas never made a skillful sailor? If success were easy, everyone would be successful instead of the few ordinary brave people who become heroes.

And there is an amazing parallel to the movie with your life right now. The scarecrow, tin man, and lion all wanted something they believed they lacked. They journeyed a very long way to see the wizard who could give it to them. The truth of the matter is that they already possessed what they wanted in great abundance. They just needed someone like the wizard to remind them of it.

You have courage!

You have everything you need to be successful in business!

You already possess the “right stuff” that it takes to make your financial dreams come true. You don’t need to consult a “wizard”, or even click your heels together three times.

See it in yourself! Believe in yourself and watch what happens!

Steve Foss writes this blog for startup essentials “because of the wonderful things he does”. Feel free to leave a comment. And join him for the Essential Conference Call Wednesday nights.


  • At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oooooooooooooh yyyyyyaaaaaah, this is going to really work good.

  • At 1:34 PM, Blogger Steve Foss said…

    Thank you Pat the Great. You are a very courageous woman who is destined for greatness. We have a very good feeling about you.

    And anonymous, thank you so much for the comments.

    Be strong! Think Big! Have fun!



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