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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"Mentee" Thyself This Year

OK, so I used a funny word to get you to start thinking about something that you can do in 2007 to help you achieve your dreams and accomplish your goals. I am talking about being “mentored” by someone who has already attained the level of success that you are seeking. A person who is under the tutelage of a mentor is called a “protégé” or “mentoree”, and sometimes they can be referred to as a “mentee”.
Here is what Wikipedia says about being mentored:

“This is the source of the modern use of the word mentor: a trusted friend, counselor or teacher, usually a more experienced person. Some professions have "mentoring programs" in which newcomers are paired with more experienced people in order to obtain good examples and advice as they advance, and schools sometimes have mentoring programs for new students or students who are having difficulties.

Today mentors provide their expertise to less experienced individuals in order to help them advance their careers, enhance their education, and build their networks. Many of the world's most successful people have benefited from having a mentor including:

business people - Freddie Laker mentored Richard Branson
politicians - Aristotle mentored Alexander the Great
actors - Mel Gibson mentored Heath Ledger
athletes - Eddy Merckx (five-time Tour de France winner) mentored Lance Armstrong (seven-time Tour de France winner).”

Have you decided who will mentor you this year? If not, please put some thought into that question. It doesn’t mean that you will select a person where you can actually meet face to face, although that is an optimum scenario. It simply means that you have chosen a person who has what you want to have, and has done what you want to do. This way you can learn from them.

One year I chose Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines. I ran a growing business, and he was one of the most successful, inventive, fun CEOs I knew. So I read everything there was to read about that man and how he made his airline into the epitome of success in that industry.

Last year I chose Vic Johnson. I subscribed to all of his web sites and received his daily email inspirations. I read his books, and practically any article I could get my hands on about his history, his philosophy, and his way of doing business to help people. I wanted to learn everything I could about the man.

This year, I have selected to be a student of
Bob Proctor. I know the chances of us meeting are extremely slim. But I have already started devouring some of his DVD sets about accomplishment and mental acuity. He is in his seventies and has the energy and passion of a teen. He is doing and getting what I want to do and get.

Who will mentor you in 2007? Will it be the mainstream media via sitcoms and negative news? Will you be mentored by some “naysayer” in your life that sends you an endless supply of messages why you can’t be successful this year? Or will you take advantage of the amazing library of success motivation and instructional material in the success portal?

Jesus found twelve men he could mentor. Bach found himself surrounded by young protégés he could mold into great musicians. Donald Trump started Trump University to help others with the dreams and aspirations to become wealthy. Oprah Winfrey is always sharing her thoughts and dreams with young ladies from all over America.

What about you?

Decide today that you will find someone you respect and admire. Select someone who stands for your core values, and has attained a level of success that you are working towards. And place yourself under their wing. Before you know it, you will be exhibiting the same attributes to people looking up to you that you saw in your mentor. And then you can pay it forward to those who are then where you are now. Bring someone with you as you attain your success.


  • At 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very motivating. I never thought of other ways of mentorship. Thank you for the ideas. ... One comment however regarding Oprah Winfrey. She not only shares her thoughts and dreams with the women of American. She also shares her love and compassion, and touches the hearts of women all around the world. She just opened a school in South Africa and hand picked each student.

  • At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are absolutely right! She is an amazing woman. But then so are many of the women we deal with in our day to day lives also.

    Thanks for the comments,


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