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Monday, August 14, 2006

Gym Sweet Gym!

Does your "To Do" list for today include things like:
  1. Growing a successful business,
  2. Juggling all your roles, and
  3. Building the body of a Greek God or Goddess?
Those things may be easier said than done. Most people realize the need for and benefits of an exercise program. But when they are starting a business, finding the time can be challenging. Here is a program we can do from our home office that will be a great way to keep us feeling alert, alive, and strong.

Exercise for the deskbound

Take a short break from your routine to relieve some of the back pressures you may feel while sitting at your desk all day. These exercises can help relieve discomfort and prevent injury. First, get the energy flowing through your body. Inhale fresh air through your nose; pause and exhale it out of your mouth. Do this six times. Lift your arms high above your head to stretch your muscles and then lower your arms. Relax and repeat. These moves help your body relax and increase your circulation. Now you're ready for some back relief.

Strengthen Back and Buttocks

* Bend your knees slightly as you stand with hands at your sides.
* Tilt your upper body forward as you push back your arms and buttocks.
* Raise your head and shoulders.

* You'll feel it in your back down to your legs.

* Hold this position for 15 seconds.

* Do this three times.

Relieve Lower Back Pressure

* Exhaling, slowly lean forward, drop head toward knees, and let hands drop at ankles. Hold 15 seconds.
* Inhaling, unwind, slowly bringing up the head.

* Exhaling, stretch arms toward ceiling.

* Do this five times.

Strengthen Upper Back and Shoulder Muscles

* Lift hands to shoulders.
* Keep elbows down as you push shoulders back with your arms.

* Hold this position for 15 seconds.

* Do this three times.

Relieve Back Tension and Stretch Hips

* Stand with feet apart and knees bent.
* Crouch your body as low as you can without pain.

* Hold this position for 15 seconds.

* Do this five times.

Stretch Abdominal and Chest Muscles

* In a standing or sitting position, place your palms on your lower back.
* Stretch back your upper body.

* Hold this position for 15 seconds.

* Do this three times.

Adapted and reprinted with permission from Parlay International, which publishes information resources on a variety of health and wellness topics. For more information on Parlay publications, call 1-800-457-2752.


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