Welcome to Startup Essentials!

Startup Essentials is committed to providing entrepreneurs with the encouragement, education, technology, and solutions to be successful in starting their business

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Out With The Old, In With The New.

Ready or Not, Here Comes 2006!


I Don't Get To Make Any Money Until I Get Myself Some Traffic
By: Paul Darby

Which Group Are You In?
Group 1 - I got myself a pretty website and put a bunch of stuff on it, and now I make sales and earn enough money to travel around in my big fancy RV and take care of my business on my brand new expensive lap-top computer.
Group 2 - I got myself a pretty website and put a bunch of stuff on it, and I am waiting for sales and hope to earn enough money to travel around town and be able to buy enough gas to get me home so I can log in to my 6 year old computer to check to see if I got an order yet.

Which one of those two examples best describe you as you are reading this today? I hope you are example number one. And by the way if you are example number one, please tell the pool boy to bring you one of those exotic drinks with the umbrella in it, because they are great!

Now... for those readers who reluctantly fall into category number two, let's give you some tips so you can get the pool boy running when you snap!

Tip number one: If you do not have enough traffic, it does not matter what you are selling, no one will know about it. And if no one knows about it, then it does not matter how good the price is, or how good the product is, you won't make any sales.

Tip number two: Traffic that is not targeted traffic is like having one shoe. You only have part of what you need, and if you try to make due with non-targeted traffic you will be spending your money without getting anything of real value. There is the small amount of value in the fact that search engines do figure in your ranking based in part on the traffic to your site. But you want sales and money - and that takes targeted traffic.

So how do you get targeted traffic?
Make sure the way website surfers who are seeing your ad, your link, your advertisement, your Pay Per Click ads, or your search engine listing, see the keywords that represent what you are selling.

Example: If I am selling parts for 1979 Ford Econo Vans, I do not want people searching for "cars" or "car parts" or "Ford" clicking on my site because they are probably not looking for, parts for 1979 Ford Econo Vans.

So one of your best strategies for getting valuable targeted traffic is to make sure that you use targeted keywords in your, ads, URL's, links and other traffic seeking sources directing to your website.

Your first order of business is to optimize your website so that the search engines list you highly in the search results for keywords that are relevant to what you are selling. Remember the Ford Van example? Good, this is the time to find keywords that are relevant to what you are selling.

So other than search engine optimization, what are some of the the best ways to get targeted visitors to visit your site looking for what you are selling?

Email campaigns, Blogs, RSS Feeds (see article below), Article Sites, Directories, Subdomain Submissions, and other high traffic websites that have a link to your website. Summit Marketing Institute provides listings to all these services for you right from the Startup Essentials Website.

Simply log into http://www.startupessentials.com and click on "Advertising Resources" under the Resources tab. Find the link that reads, Generate Targeted Traffic and you will find free blasters and a service that offers you access to your very own Owners Control Panel that will help you set up a traffic generation system based on highly targeted keywords. And by the way... the pool boy wants a good tip!

About the Author: Paul Darby is an owner of over 35 successful Internet businesses. He has been marketing online for 10 years and is a Dale Carnegie Instructor. And we think he is pretty cool to hang with. www.pauldarby.name

I'll Be Weak In About A Week! (Or "Why I am a self delusional liar for a few weeks every year")

The Real Success Power Of A New Year's Resolution
By: Doug Firebaugh

"The Real Secret of a Successful New Year's Resolution lies within the word itself......"Have you ever made New Year's resolutions and they did not make it past January?

Ever tell someone that you were going to make this the year that you changed your life, and then come January 20th, you have fallen back into the same life pattern that you have been struggling with and it steal your Success?

Ever made a Success resolution to work out every week? You "decided" that you were going to get up and work out, and finally get that body you have always wanted? You were telling everyone that this was the year, and this was the time that they were going to see a new you and you were going to create Success doing it!

Uh huh. I have been there. And I ended up looking quite foolish, until I decided just to start it, and not worry about talking about it. Then you will start to see some changes in your physique!

How about to lose weight? Ever talk to folks and tell them that you were going to lose the weight you want this year, and you were going to become a lean, mean, weight losing machine? And then after 30 days, you were back eating twinkies? Yep. Got that one.

Here's one -- to quit smoking! I know so many folks that have promised themselves that they were going to quit smoking! This is the year! I will be smoke free! Good idea!

Most of the New year's resolutions are made with the best intentions, but most fail miserably. They really never get out of the starting blocks to obtain Success. All the words were nice, but there was no real sustained effort in the change process for Success.

Why? Simple. Lack of proper focus in the word itself. Actually, the word resolution has a very different meaning if you look at the word itself. To me, it carries a little different meaning, if you use a little different perspective and view of the word. Many times, changing how you view something is the "shift" that you need to create Success with something.

I like the word "Re-Solution." In other words, if you make a resolution to change something, you are actually "re-solutioning" it with a different solution. Most people don't do that. They are trying to use the same old solution to a problem that did not work before."Re" means to repeat. So you are repeating the attempt, to create a new success solution, to solve an old problem. Simple. But doesn't work. If it did, you would not have to be attempting the same new year's resolution as last year, and the year before.

Here's an idea:Don't make a resolution, but a REAL Solution! And if you make a REAL Solution, that will cause a DISSOLUTION to your problem.(Dissolves that challenge!)

Ok. How? Simple.
1) What is it you want to change? Write it down.
2) How bad to you want to change it? (Deciding factor!)
3) How will that improve your life? (List them..)
4) What is the very first thing you need to do to start the change process? Do it.
5) What's the second? Do it.
6) What' s the third? Do it.
7) What's after that? Continue to do it till done..Now, you are making a REAL solution to your life, not some wimpy, whiny, weak, wasted, willowy, wishy-washy, won't work, waste of time, woe is me, featherweight promise you know you won't keep!If you look at the word "resolution" for what it really is, and change your mindset to a "REAL solution"..You can change your whole life in a day, as well as the Achievement and Success in your life.

About the Author: Doug Firebaugh is one of the top Success Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at: http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_9.html http://www.passionfire.com/Source: www.isnare.com

The Value of Viral MarketingViral or Word of Mouth marketing has been said to be the best thing that has happened to marketing since the invention of advertisements. What is their real value?

Marketing vs. AdvertisingKnowing the difference between marketing and advertising can mean the difference between success and failure. Find out if you know the difference here...

Five Levels of Internet MarketingLearn how to move your customers through a successful sales process in this three-part article...

Click Here for more traffic to your site: Your Ad Blaster - Massive Email Traffic Program
Zig Ziglar says "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." Set lofty goals that will change both you, and the world.

Up On the Monitor, click, click, click…

Welcome Entrepreneurs!

We've been making a list, and checking it twice. Some of you have been naughty, but most of you have been very, very nice. And that's why Santa has a bag o' tools and tips for you for this holiday season.

Tool of the Month: How to get Google to love your site!

Having a site map is important when it comes to search engine optimization. Here is a tool to help you put one on your site. SiteMap Generator


They Showed Us The Money.
August was hot in Dallas this year for more than one reason. The Millionaire's Summit held at the Hyatt DFW attracted Internet entrepreneurs from all over the country. The Summit was a literal melting pot of Internet marketing champions sharing ideas and secrets to success with each other. We will be sharing many of the new ideas and techniques we discussed in the months to come here in our newsletter.

Here is a picture of The Internet Marketing Center President, Derek Gehl and Startup Essentials Co-Founder, Steve Mayes during a break at the 2005 Millionaire's Summit.

If you are new to StartUp Essentials, Welcome Aboard! We fully expect 2006 to be our best year ever for Internet business growth. This coming Christmas season will see a 28% increase in online sales over last years record year. If there ever was a time to get your online business started it is now. The wave is just starting!

Life After Christmas: Looking Forward With Your Internet Business

By Steve Mayes

Do you ever feel like a fish sometimes, constantly surprised at that bubbling treasure chest at the bottom of the tank? Every year we find ourselves saying, "It's Christmas Time already?". We know it's coming. It's the same time every year. But it always surprises us how quickly time has gone by.

We all know what Christmas time means for business owners, including those of us in E-Commerce. It means sales, and lots of them. So there is lots of preparation and hype and even some hysteria leading up to the big event. As Internet Business Owners it's hard to fight the thought, "Is there any point in even having a website after Christmas is over?"
Life After Christmas!

Of course having an optimized site that is converting lots of business during the holiday shopping season is a good idea. But it's now time to think of life after Christmas. Typically, the first quarter is a HUGE quarter for Internet sales. Plus, there are more brand new computers waiting to be opened sitting under Christmas trees right now than at any other time in history. All those people, some brand new to the Internet, will be surfing and shopping and buying in the first quarter. Are you ready for them?

If you don't want to have to spend money on Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns then your other options are the "free" engines which return organic search results. While this is usually less expensive in the end, even if you hire a good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) company, and the average return per visitor is higher, it also takes a little longer to get results.

With PPC you could start driving traffic in a couple days, but with free submissions it could take a few weeks or several months to get indexed and start ranking. If you're in a competitive field it will take longer because you have to move up in the rankings high enough to get noticed by your customers. And since about 80% of traffic comes from the top listings on the first page, you'll want to be on the first page of results.

So, if you want to take part in the estimated $123 billion in sales in the coming year, you need to start working today to get results.

Preparation Tips for the New Year:

1. Check with your supplier to make sure they will have stock. There is nothing worse than making a sale just to find out that your supplier is out of stock. Some suppliers are re-stocking right after the holiday season.

2. Plan on spending some money on marketing. This is the quickest and easiest way to get targeted traffic. Some good choices for consumer product sales would be pay per click advertising, email campaigns, and banner ads. Be sure to track your results!

3. Get wish list software on your site. Kids and ladies love to build their wish lists online these days. If they see something they like on your site they can have an email wish list sent to the person most likely to buy it for them.

4. Build your list. Don't let all those visitors leave your site without at least getting them added to your list. Then you can market to them again and again.

5. Optimize new content pages targeting New Year keywords. Think of the people that will be searching for the term "New Year Resolution". Use that to your advantage and optimize some pages on your site including what you would expect people to use.

6. Offer "After Holiday" Sales categories. Make it easy for the person who is looking for after holiday bargains to find them on your site! Give them some links to help them out like: Ladies gift ideas, men's gift ideas, after-holiday blow outs, etc.

Santa Has Business Building Toys For All the Hard Working Girls and Boys:

Find Products To Sell Looking for the perfect products to sell online? Sometimes they can be hard to find. So, to help you start your research, here are ten top places to look...

Add a Human Touch to Your Web Site Why aren't more people making purchases from your website? Hint: A little human interaction on your web site may close the sale...

The News is in the Mail E-mail newsletters can help you spread the word and keep in touch with customers. Here are some tips for doing it right...

Pop Art Pop-up ads are annoying, distracting -- and, occasionally, highly effective. The trick: using them in just the right place at just the right time...

If You Build It, Can They Find It? Tips for shining a searchlight on your company's web site...

Optimum Diet for Good Health? Protecting yourself from Cancer, Stroke Heart Disease and many other illnesses may be easier than you think...

Looking for traffic to your site? At any given moment there are 78 Million people on line. And in order for you to get your share of these people who are looking for your products to visit your website, you will need to become proficient at creating a successful traffic program. Click on the link for an excellen tool to help you.

Click Here for more traffic to your site: Your Ad Blaster - Massive Email Traffic Program

Have a safe and happy Holiday season. Plan on making 2006 your best year ever.

Helen Keller said "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar." Don’t let fear keep you from soaring up where you belong.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

And Then There Was BLOG!

Welcome to the Startup Essentials Blog.

This is "the place to be" for your daily dose of experiences, tips, tricks and lots of other cool stuff that will help you become a successful entrepreneur. But don't think that you will just be visiting and then leaving with all the great party gifts. We want to hear from you! Your feedback and information is invaluable in helping your five thousand plus fellow business professionals speed along the pathway of success.

We are working really hard to provide you with the absolute best in training, motivational, inspirational and educational tools. Knowledge is power. So get ready to arm yourself with all the provisions you will need for a long and prosperous journey.

The Achievement Portal is now open, and it ROCKS!!! If you don't have access, go get it! You won't believe what's inside. www.startupessentials.com/portal If you are an existing business owner looking to take your business to the next level, you are in the right place!
Contribute! Learn! Achieve! And let absolutely nothing keep you from the destiny you deserve!

Mostly...have fun!

Your SE Team
PS: Walt Disney said "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." The longest journey begins with the first step. Start walking.